Thursday, November 29, 2012

A memory

" nothing is more important than the artist and his thoughts..." Thats the answer of my mentor ,Joseph Zbukvic, when i asked him about the watercolor paints and paper and other things like that. It was about two years ago I guess and we were chatting on Facebook.
I knew that he was right but it takes about two year that i believe in it...
This is my work of last day workshop in Qom, with cheap materials... But i like them so much...
I hope you like it...
Please write me about your experience and ideas about the materials... Which materials do you use...which one do you love best...
" ابزار اهميتي ندارد، اين هنرمند است كه اهميت اساسي دارد در پروسه نقاشي" اين پاسخ حكيمانه استادم جوزف زبوكويچ بود به سوال من در مورد اهميت ابزار و رنگ و كاغذ و موارد ديگر.
شايد دو سال طول كشيد تا من مفهوم اين حرف را درك كنم... اين نقاشي من در كلاس ديروزم است با ارزانترين ابزارهايي كه تاكنون به كار گرفته ام. خودم كه نتيجه را دوست دارم، اميدوارم شما هم همين نظر را داشته باشيد.
شما با چه ابزارهايي كار مي كنيد، كدام ها را بيشتر دوست داريد؟ لطفا برايم بنويسيد.


  1. Hi Mojtaba. Thank you for sharing Joseph Zbukvic's words: "nothing is more important than the artist and his thoughts...". So very true and it has taken me a long time too to understand this way of thinking. It is a wonderful mantra for an artist. It gives us the confidence to believe in our own work. With that confidence comes expression and that for me is the beauty of art. Your work is full of expression.

  2. Dear Laura
    Thanks to you for sharing your own experiences with me,
    Thats the one ingredient of painting that can not bought,
    and no one can teach it to anybody... Thats Faith..
    I havent think it in this way...
    This thought would help the artist to gain more and more confidence..

  3. Hello Mojtaba,

    I recently started following your work and enjoy seeing your poetic interpretation of all the beautiful sites in Iran, a country I have had the good fortune to be able to visit some time ago.

    Thanks for sharing the quote. In addition to what Laura has said, I think it also encourages artists to stay true to their style.

  4. Dear sophia
    Nice to have you follow my blog and paintings
    I guess you are right...
    To stay on the true feelings... And style as you said


whats your idea? شما چه می اندیشید ؟